
LaminatedFILMS & Packaging In Science

LaminatedFILMS & Packaging, Inc.

The novel complexities and specificities of parts and shapes related to scientific pursuits of established researchers, are generally an ideal match with our 3D printed Intercept Technology™ product offerings. Our capacity to protect and secure onboard electronics, and other highly sensitive components requiring solid corrosion control as well as permanent electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection -- works hand and hand with top of the line, clean applications - as the nature of Intercept Technology™ products is non-volatile.

At current, our leading solutions for the scientific community include the following:

Shielding: RIBS MVTR / RIBS Ultra

Barrier Structures: Static Intercept® / RIBS MVTR / RIBS Ultra

Anti-Static: Static Intercept® / RIBS MVTR / RIBS Ultra

Shrink Films: Static Intercept® / Intercept Shrink/ Corrosion Intercept® Shrink

LaminatedFILMS & Packaging Films & Bags

We offer standard and customized solutions to provide protection for profoundly sensitive equipment. Intercept safeguards your assets from dampness, direct static discharge / release, triboelectric charging, and electric fields during assembling, transportation and storage.